Thursday, March 27, 2008

Fanfiction - Roland, Paladin

At this point the Jumpers are finding it difficult to hold onto Roland, he has too many connections at every state, every town. The Paladins are spread out all over America and the common places where the Jumpers jump to, their jump spots. At first he was at the Grand Canyon, where David Rice took him and thought that he had taken care of him there. Well, it was obvious that his fellow Paladins had rescued him by tracking him down using his chip stored inside of him. The Jumpers are now figuring out what to do with the Paladins and how to track them down. Their only hope is David’s mother, but she’s is also a Paladin herself so she has stay loyal to them or something nasty (which she does not know what it is) will happen to her. It is now Griffin’s turn to capture Roland and he did. He has Roland tied up in his basement in a cage with electricity running through the walls of the cage.

David and Millie are still in Samoa trying to have a good time. It’s pretty hard for David to concentrate on his holiday when he doesn’t trust Griffin doing part of his work. Millie doesn’t know that David is still on his phone trying to keep in track with what Griffin is up to.

Trisha Kat is back in Rome to where she is based at, Trisha Kat doesn’t really know what’s going on and soon finds out about the teleport device. Being the quiet Jumper she is, she decides to listen up on what is happening. The only thing holding her back from going outside into the world and putting her life on the line, is her family.

David Rice: Guys, can you add Griffin to the conversation?
Trisha Kat: I did already.

Griffin: cool, thanks guys
Trisha Kat: cool!

Little to do the Jumpers know that Roland has another plan to escape. His fellow Paladins has tracked him down again and has rescued him for the second time. The Paladins are still planning on how to get rid of the Jumpers, they have come up with all they could and still this mission is not accomplished. Roland’s boss is getting more frustrated with the fact that they are taking too long to destroy them. The Jumpers also decides on something.

Griffin: SHIT! Roland got away. He must have had some help from outside. That’s is why I was out of contact.

So the Jumpers decide to join forces and help each other out, thinking that this is a good idea to outsmart Roland and his Paladin clan. Griffin comes up with different ideas to capture the Paladins and to destroy every trick they have in store.

Griffin: We have joined forces and I am sure we will be twice as strong. He won’t get far anyway, I have BUBI traps all over the desert and I destroyed his teleport device.

The Jumpers are shocked to hear that the Paladins have a teleport device. How else would they have tracked them down? Mind Reading? Mary Rice gives the Jumpers a hint that the teleport device that Griffin has is not the only one that they had…there’s more.

Trisha Kat: They have a teleport device as well?
Griffin: Yeah, the one they used to get to David and Millie while they were in the desert.
Mary Rice: Not just one.
Griffin: How many then?
Mary Rice: That’s as far as the information as I can get.
David Rice: SHIT! Now we have to be careful where we jump to.

Mary keeps protecting the Jumpers by giving them hints and all about what the Paladins are up to and what other back up equipments they have in order to destroy them all. Griffin just got a message from his BUBI traps device from out in the desert and so he has to fix them.

David Rice: We need to lay low for a bit guys.

Though David wants to Jump to Griffin’s base, he has to take the long way and fly to the unnamed desert. David is soon warned by his mother with just the two common words that all mothers say “Be careful”. Griffin’s BUBI traps are fixed again and are under control. According to Griffin his traps cannot be dodged, not even by the smartest person he knows.

Roland is still making plans with his fellow Paladins by creating new and advanced teleport devices. Mary knows about this but cannot spread this information to her son and the other Jumpers. She is having a hard time trying to keep everything to herself. With the little information she gave, Mary has her hands tied. She does not know whether she wants to leave the Paladin clan or whether to leave her son and watch him suffer.

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