Tuesday, March 4, 2008


Well fingers crossed this movie isn't complete crap!! But actually that would be even better if it was coz we can change it and make it way more cooler, we could even sell it as a script think about the money!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

That's what I'm talking about, it's cool that we're on the same page, hehehe ^_^

I love the idea about make some bucks too.

Alby ^_^

LilFiNz said...

Muahahahahaha back atch ya so true aye. We soooo could re-write aye like they did with SAW & look at how many sequels there are now!!!!

If its crap then its all gravy, shouldnt be too bad. Dont worry Akash we wont blame ya lol :)

Anonymous said...

we could be famous i know thats thinking way ahead but hey it never hurt any1 to think that fa ahead haha its called being ambitious

Darryl said...

Like I said - you're welcome to work together on one work of fanfict - as long as there is a process where all of you are developing the fanfict text together - read the article Paul handed out and this will give you some ideas of how you might develop a single work collaboratively (use livejournal for example or set up another blog). Make sure you let me know what you're doing tho!

Darryl said...
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annie said...

Guyz! lets think about what lilfinz said about being a jumper in different countries and doing a role play on it! sounds awesome, but up to you!
